That Nostalgic Sound (:

This gallery contains 8 photos.

Made some trip with friends to Pangandaran, Green Canyon, Batu Karas last weekend, and borrowing an old-skool film camera πŸ˜† It was very nostalgic, the sound of the motor rolls the film after taking a picture. Thanks to Prastidutz for the camera, it was surely made our trip fun πŸ˜† Aand.. not only the sound… Read more.

2011’s Early Memories

Yak! First post on this year, and it’s already titled with “kenangan” πŸ˜€ Recently I decided to give a facelift for my phone, bring some new look, biar ga bosen gitu loh sama tampilannya πŸ˜† Then to commemorate the old look, I decided to capture those look and shareΒ  here :-D, and here it goes Continue reading